The journal of the Cartographic society of the Slovak Republic

The journal of the Cartographic Society

of the Slovak Republic

ISSN 1336-5274 (print)
ISSN 2729-8094 (online)

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Distinguished Slovak cartographer, Ing. Ján Pravda, DrSc. died…

Feranec, J., Hájek, M.: Distinguished Slovak cartographer, Ing. Ján Pravda, DrSc. died… . Kartografické listy, 2010, 18, 14 refs.

Abstract: Wednesday 17 February 2010, Ing. Ján Pravda DrSc., a prominent Slovak and internationally recognized cartographer, former senior scientist of the Institute of Geography, Slovak Academy of Sciences (IG SAS) died after a serious disease at the age of 75. The range of his scientific themes was indeed a wide one. The most distinct traces left by Ing. Pravda are in the area of theoretical conception of map language, map expressing, cartographic terminology and historic cartographic research. He has greatly contributed to publishing of the Atlas SSR (Atlas of the SSR) (Bratislava 1980) and Etnografický atlas Slovenska (Ethnographic Atlas of Slovakia) (Bratislava 1990). Both works won the National Prize of the Slovak Republic. Ing. Pravda was author of four university textbooks, co-author of two dictionaries of cartography and geo-information and Stručný lexikón kartografie (Brief Lexicon of Cartography) (2003), he contributed chapters to two monographs and wrote several independent monographs of the se-ries Geographia Slovaca. He was one of founders of journal Kartografické listy (Cartographic Letters), of the yearbook of the Cartographic Society Slovak Republic, which is published jointly by the Society and the IG SAS since 1993. In 2004, Ing. Pravda won the distinction of Important Personality of the Slovak Academy of Sciences.

Keywords: Ing. Ján Pravda, DrSc., Slovak cartographer, map language, map expressing, cartographic terminology