The journal of the Cartographic society of the Slovak Republic

The journal of the Cartographic Society

of the Slovak Republic

ISSN 1336-5274 (print)
ISSN 2729-8094 (online)

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Communication interfaces of the real estates cadastre

Hudecová, Ľ.: Communication interfaces of the real estates cadastre. Kartografické listy, 2005, 13, 2 tabs., 9 refs.

Abstract: The branch of the Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastral Authority of the Slovak Republic purpose to provide reliable record of lands, buildings, flats and titles to the real estates and to offer other geographic information necessary for deciding proceedings on area with the aim to fulfil the requests of owners, encumbrance providers, public administration, stakeholders and other users. For the user the most important are reliable, high-quality and continual updated cadastral data. The priority is to achieve content users with the service quality.

Keywords: quality and completeness of data of the real estate cadastre, arrangement of the ownership rights to land, Cadastral Portal, GeoPortal, Statistical Annual