A model for cartography’s role in managing the park visitor experience
Mitáš, O., Mitášová, H.: A model for cartography’s role in managing the park visitor experience. Kartografické listy, 2006, 14, 6 figs., 20 refs.
Abstract: Outdoor recreation management research has made great strides in measuring why people participate in outdoor recreation and which benefits they enjoy from recreational experiences. The use of spatial analyses as both preliminary information and management products can orient the findings of outdoor recreation management studies towards improvement of visitor experiences. Under our proposed model, the spatial perspective would be added to well-established quantitative and qualitative procedures to offer outdoor recreation managers an integrated base of information for management decisions. Finally, cartographic products of geospatial analyses may be used as parts of persuasive education-based management solutions. An example of the proposed procedure for recreation management research is the lead author’s recent thesis work at Jockey’s Ridge State Park, North Carolina, USA.
Keywords: GIS, Benefits Based Management, outdoor recreation, sand dunes