Arun DAS, Koichi KIMOTO
Map forms and map errors in India
Das, A., Kimoto, K.: Map forms and map errors in India. Kartografické listy, 2010, 18, 28 figs., 15 refs.
Abstract: Though the concept of map in India is old, the true form of map is not in use yet. There are various forms of map perceived by the people as map. The maps are drawn to represent the spatial or ground features with a specific theme with or without the properties of the map. Thus map errors have been prevalent at all levels. Recently digital cartography has brought a new orientation to map drawing in India. This paper discusses the forms of maps and types of map errors from a layman to the scholars. The main objective of the paper is to give the reader an understanding about the forms of maps and map errors in different parts of the world. Only the published maps are collected to present in this paper from various departments and agencies.
Keywords: map types, map errors, map makers, Survey of India (SOI) maps