The journal of the Cartographic society of the Slovak Republic

The journal of the Cartographic Society

of the Slovak Republic

ISSN 1336-5274 (print)
ISSN 2729-8094 (online)

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Landscape features GIS layer creation for implementation and control of „Good Agricultural and Environmental Conditions“

Gasiorková, K., Hamlíková, Ľ., Sviček, M.: Landscape features GIS layer creation for implementation and control of „Good Agricultural and Environmental Conditions“. Kartografické listy, 2010, 18, 7 figs., 1 tab., 6 refs.

Abstract: European Union Member states Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) affects situation in agriculture with fundamental and comprehensive manner. The Regulation of European Communities (EC) No. 73/2009 entered into force after the CAP „Health check“. One part of the Regulation is focused on Cross compliance issues, namely Good Agricultural and Environ-mental Conditions (GAEC). Retention of landscape features on agriculture land is important standard of GAEC. Soil Science and Conservation Research Institute was taking part in the de-fining of the landscape features and now is responsible for the creating of the landscape feature GIS layers.

Keywords: landscape features, land parcel identification system, good agricultural and environmental conditions, cross compliance, health check, common agricultural policy, geographic information system, digital aerial orthophotomaps