Proposal for creation of map symbols for crises management – flood scenario
Drápela, M. V., Březinová, Š., Tajovská, K.: Proposal for creation of map symbols for crises management – flood scenario. Kartografické listy, 2011, 19, 2 figs., 14 tabs., 9 refs.
Abstract: Within the frame of solution of research project Dynamic geovisualisation in crisis management new map keys gradually built up for individual pilot project, which should contribute to faster and more efficient decision-making in crisis management. The aim of this paper is to present the basic philosophy of creating map symbols and show possible solutions of the map symbology system for a pilot project Floods. The proposal of symbols come out of used flood plans, water management maps of the Czech Republic and from the authors' own findings that have been raised earlier in the development of character sets for crisis management. Now the new designed symbols are psychological testing in collaboration with other teams.
Keywords: crises management, extreme events, natural hazards, map symbology, flood plan