Visualization of a relief on the topographic maps
Fencík, R., Kapronczaiová, Z.: Visualization of a relief on the topographic maps. Kartografické listy, 2011, 19, 6 figs., 2 tabs., 2 refs.
Abstract: In the paper we define a model of visualization of a relief on a topographic map in the scale 1 : 10 000 using ArcGIS 9.3.1 and OCAD 9 Standard. To achieve the visual perception on the topographic maps we could use a vector or raster level of a shaded relief. We discuss the process of DEM and its shaded visualization in ArcGIS. We describe two possible approaches of visualization of the relief. We define the suitable parameters for areas (polygons) representing the shaded relief on the topographic map, which are used to achieve the visual perception.
Keywords: topographic map, digital elevation model, hillshading, scale, visualization of relief