The journal of the Cartographic society of the Slovak Republic

The journal of the Cartographic Society

of the Slovak Republic

ISSN 1336-5274 (print)
ISSN 2729-8094 (online)

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New content and accuracy of cadastral maps

Hudecová, Ľ.: New content and accuracy of cadastral maps. Kartografické listy, 2012, 20 (2).

Abstract: The property cadastre includes the geometric and position definition, listing and description of properties. Article informs about radical legislative and technological changes in recent years, which have affected the content of cadastral data, their completeness and positional accuracy. In recent years, the content of cadastral data has been extended with boundary of a build-up area, recording unfinished constructions, unfinished flats and non-flat spaces, and by recording the prices of agricultural land resources and forest land resources and with presentation of charges in map documentation. Changes in the content of cadastral maps (in analogue form) represents boundary of a build-up area, unfinished constructions and map symbols.

Keywords: map content, quality and completeness of cadastral data, property cadastre, charges, accuracy of map, map markers, register of regenerate land inventory, agricultural land resources, forest land resources, unfinished construction