Miroslav KOŽUCH
Ortofotosnímka bez perspektívneho skreslenia výškových objektov
Kožuch, M.: The orthophotoimage without perspective projection a high-rise buildings. Kartografické listy, 2009, 17, 5 figs., 13 refs.
Abstract: Digital orthophotoimage is the final product of digital photogrammetry workflow. When orthophoto is created, the effects of inclinations of the plane, altitude differences of terrain or objective distortion are removed and the result is the digital transformation remote sensing records of the central projection to the orthogonal one where the centre of projection moves infinitely. If the digital orthophoto was derived correctly, all building should have been flat-tened to the ground. An error is, when we visible the side of buildings on the orthophotoimage. The mapping of object at nearness is unpossible, is in living up a building. Only on the true orthophoto is not rectification error. Proceeding create of true orthophoto require special digital terrain model (DTM) width elevation of building too.
Keywords: digital photogrammetry, digital terrain model, orthorectification, true digital orthophotoimage