Nové mapové technologie v kartografické komunikaci
Kubíček, P., Stachoň, Z., Havlíček, Z.: New Technologies in the Scope of Cartographic Communication. Kartografické listy, 2009, 17, 2 figs., 27 refs.
Abstract: Maps are representing one of possible ways of spatial information transmission. Theoretical cartography is trying to describe information transmision proces from cartographer to user. Solutions proposed in the past are not proper for changing technological possibilities and demands on form of presented information. This article aims on position of map as medium in the scope of information culture which covers topic of forepast methods of information organization and visualization as well as user interaction. Basic principles of “New media” are also decribed and applied in terms of cartographic communication and theretical cartographic communication approaches (Koláčný 1968, Bertin 1974, Pravda 1990, 2003, Morita 2004). Special attention is given to possibilities Web 2.0 and mashups as new means of cartographic communication, their possibilities and extension to the process of cartographic communication.
Keywords: cartographic communication, map, Web 2.0, mashup