Václav ČADA, Martina VICHROVÁ
Rukopisné mapy Čech J. Ch. Müllera
Čada, V., Vichrová, M.: Johann Christoph Müller’s manuscript maps of Bohemia. Kartografické listy, 2009, 17, 7 figs., 1 tab., 9 refs.
Abstract: Presented paper is devoted to the life and activities of Johann Christoph Müller who was an exceptional cartographer at the turn of the 18th century. His work significantly enriched the world cartographic collection. The attention has been paid to the manuscript map series of Bohemian and Moravian territory that are not generally known (e.g. maps of border regions, manuscript maps of regions, maps dedicated to the Emperor Charles the VI or drafts for copperplate engraving of the map of Bohemia). Probable techniques and technologies for creating of topographic maps in medium scales have been analyzed on the basis of studies of above mentioned map series, their chronological order, contents and means used for cartographic representation.
Keywords: Johann Christoph Müller, manuscript maps, rarity, topographic maps, means used for cartographic representation