Kartografické listy, Časopis Kartografickej spoločnosti Slovenskej republiky

Časopis Kartografickej spoločnosti

Slovenskej republiky

ISSN 1336-5274 (tlačené vydanie)
ISSN 2729-8094 (online)

Úvod > Archív > KL17


Návrh tvorby znakových sad pro krizové situace

Drápela, M. V., Rybanský, M., Salvetová, Š., Tajovská, K.: Project of cartographic symbol sets for crisis situations. Kartografické listy, 2009, 17, 14 figs., 11 refs.

Abstract: The current powerful development of modern geoinformation technology should become as an integral part of the information systems used for crisis management at all levels. Till this time the static databases and visualisations have been rather used. The so-called dynamic context geovisualization is solving in the entire research project that could flexibly respond to the immediate situation and the specific conditions of individual events. This geovisualization includes also concept of new maps symbology for representation and realisation of emergencies, disasters and phenomena associated with them. The system is logically divided according to type of existing events (used in the records and identifications phone on line 112) and is further supplemented and extended by other characters, which should specify or fill gaps in the description of the individual events. This geovisualization includes also concept of new maps symbology for representation and realisation of Point of Interest associated with them. The system of Point of Interest (POI) is designed from the view of easy searching in the map field. The main master feature is the pictogram, (where) color and simple geometric shape classify event in each group, itself inside the picture directly determines the type of events. This system should help to better orientation and faster decision-making by operators on the line 112 and in the next phase as well as officer in charge, which is the most important prompt and correct evaluation of the situation.

Keywords: crises management, point of interest, spatial location, crises management, emergency events, natural disasters, map symbology