Jaromír KAŇOK, Jan BRUS
Možnosti využití expertních systémů v kartografii
Kaňok, J., Brus, J.: Possibilities of expert systems utilization in cartography. Kartografické listy, 2009, 17, 1 fig., 19 refs.
Abstract: The process of making map is core of the whole cartography. In last years, this process not involved only the cartographers, but also the common users. These users do not know basic cartographic rules for making maps and they make maps intuitively. The evolution of computers and availability of map-making software play up computer-assisted cartography. The cartographic rules should be implemented directly into the software. According to progress in the artificial intelligence, the knowledge-base systems can be applied for this problem. These systems can partly substitute a role of the expert in this process. This paper presents a history of the development of the expert systems in cartography. It also summarizes advantages and dis-advantages of an application of these systems and focuses on expert system in thematic cartography.
Keywords: expert system, knowledge-base system, thematic maps, decision-making support system, cartographic rules