Marián JENČO
Vyhľadávanie predĺžených naklonených objektov metódou morfologickej segmentácie svahu
Jenčo, M.: The morphological slope segmentation method used for the determination of inclined and elongated objects. Kartografické listy, 2010, 18, 7 figs., 8 refs.
Abstract: In general, breaklines define interruptions in surface smoothness. The breakline information must be available prior to the surface reconstruction or modelling. This paper deals with the extraction of terrain edges and inclined and aligned features such as segments of constructed objects. Some structural lines on the interpolated smooth surfaces are analogous to breaklines. As the boundaries of each morphological object are formed by structural lines, an inclined and elongated object is incorporated between two structural lines as a set of points with minimal and maximal profile curvature. In case of smooth surface, the two zero isolines of the normal change of profile curvature connect these points and enclose the finding segment of zero isoline of normal change of the gradient (edge line).
Keywords: terrain reconstruction, breakline, morphometric variables, profile curvature, elevation points