Zmeny krajiny: analýza a kartografická interpretácia na príklade regiónu Tatry
Oťaheľ, J., Husár, K., Feranec, J.: Landscape changes: analysis and cartographic interpretation on example of Tatry region. Kartografické listy, 2011, 19, 4 figs., 4 tabs., 29 refs.
Abstract: The aim of the paper is to present long-term development of cultural landscape in the context of relative stability (persistency) of forest and natural areas and to analyse the character, intensity and dynamics of landscape changes pursuing the CORINE land cover data in region of Tatry for the period 1990 – 2006. The landscape changes were caused by extreme natural events (windstorm) and land use in the mountain region. Six types of landscape changes and five types of human impact intensity were interpreted according to properties of natural landscape. Processing of data layers in the GIS facilitated their cartographic presentation and effective interpretation for spatial planning and decision-making.
Keywords: natural landscape, CORINE land cover data, stability (persistency) of forest and natural areas, intensity and dynamics of landscape changes