Michal RYBÁR, Vladimír BAČÍK
Príklady využitia JavaScript knižníc v oblasti tvorby tematických máp na internete
Rybár, M., Bačík, V.: Examples of the use of JavaScript libraries for the creation of thematic maps on the Internet. Kartografické listy, 2015, 23 (2).
Abstract: The map presentation of data in the Internet is very popular, not only in applications for experts, but also for lay users. Various formats and technologies give to web designers a variety options, how to bring data closer to end users in the form of map outputs. We focused in our paper on the practical use of selected JavaScript libraries, which functionality can be exploited just in the distribution of maps on the Internet. Complex embrace of existing libraries in one paper is not possible, therefore our choice is focused on following libraries: amMaps, jVectorMap, jQuery Mapael and Kartograph. Basic specification of a library is supplemented by practical examples with an appropriate description of the source code, where its understanding is necessary for the application of the relevant library. Attributes appearing in these maps were stored in the database (MySQL). From these data was generated a relevant JSON file, while the notation of this file must be compatible with the appropriate JavaScript library. The paper is intended mainly to applicants who want to publish thematic interactive maps with their own maps, without the use of commercial tools and API services (such as Yahoo Maps, Bing Maps, OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, etc.). Individual above mentioned libraries could be used in all cases, when data visualization with spatial expression on the Internet is necessary.
Keywords: Thematic Mapping, Web Mapping, Scalable Vector Graphics, JavaScript Object Notation, Database, JavaScript