Implementácia webového portálu GIS pre podporu participácie v lesníckom výskume
Zápotocký, M., Koreň, M.: Implementation of web-GIS portal for support of participation in forestry research. Kartografické listy, 2018, 26 (1).
Abstract: The paper presents the participatory geographical information system (PGIS) designed for specific requirements of forestry research and forestry education. Information and communication technologies are commonly used in forest and wildlife management. Additional geographical data and tools are needed for planning and management of research project and education in forestry. PGIS was designed in three-tier architecture. It consists of metainformation catalogue, web map portal and a set of geographical web applications. Metainformation catalogue was extended to cover available sources of geographical data and map services related to forest environment. Geographical web applications present results of research projects in the form of interactive digital maps. Geoapplication focused on research plots was designed and implemented. Colour point clouds from terrestrial laser scanning and close-range photogrammetry are visualized in interactive 3D web application. The developed participatory GIS will facilitate close cooperation among researches, students and foresters in practice.
Keywords: forestry, interactive map, metadata, point cloud