Kartografické listy, Časopis Kartografickej spoločnosti Slovenskej republiky

Časopis Kartografickej spoločnosti

Slovenskej republiky

ISSN 1336-5274 (tlačené vydanie)
ISSN 2729-8094 (online)

Úvod > Archív > KL27 (2)


Rekonštrukcia dopravnej siete druhého vojenského mapovania

Fencík, R., Lieskovský, T., Kačmárová, B.: Reconstruction of the transport network of the second military mapping. Kartografické listy, 2019, 27 (2).

Abstract: The second military mapping (II. MM) took place on the territory of the Austrian Empire in years 1806 – 1869. It was prompted as a result of the failure of the troops in the Napoleonic wars and the need for better maps. Its aim was to eliminate the shortcomings of the first military mapping (I. MM) and to create a continuous map series with unified geodetic control and cartographic bases using an unified set of map symbols. The paper is focused on objects of the transport network on the maps of II. MM in the territory of Slovakia. The aim was to define a conceptual model of the transport network of II. MM, to design attributes for feature classes and to create a vector model of the transport network of II. MM for the territory of Slovakia. We analyzed features of the transport network according to the set of map symbols of II. MM. We defined the conceptual model of the transport network of II. MM that contains nine feature classes. We defined attributes for feature classes of the conceptual model of the transport network, which describe the origin of the used map bases for vectorization of features of the transport network and other attributes, which are important for the creation and consequent use of the vector model of the transport network. The proposed conceptual model was used for the creation of the pilot vector model of the transport network of II. MM in the program Arc-GIS. It can be modified and applied for other historical military mapping. The vector model of the transport network of II. MM can be used for network analysis of movement of population, goods and armed forces.

Keywords: second military mapping, transport network, set of map symbols, conceptual model, vector model