Veľkoformátové filmové a platňové osvitové systémy
Panák, J.: Large-format imagesetters and platesetters. Kartografické listy, 1996, 4, 3 figs., 3 tabs., 13 refs.
Abstract: Large-format imagesetters and platesetters are fully integrated solution in today’s challenging digital prepress environment. Large-format imagesetters output from four to sixteen A4 separations or separations for large-format products e.g. billboards, maps on a single piece of film. They eliminate the need for manual assembly. Drum imaging technology creates the highestquality of output. The Computer to plate output can provide significant saving in time, labour and materials, while reducing the environmental impact of films and chemicals. Large-format imagesetter and namely platesetter installation involves many additional devices and systems that enable the digital workflow. New organization and technological requirements are created.
Keywords: Imagesetter, platesetter, computer to plate, laser imaging technology, imposition, digital proofing, offset plates for computer to print, offset printing, cartography