Geografický projekt MGE ako informaticky nástroj riešenia úloh v GIS-e
Mičietová, E.: The geographic MGE project as a tool for solution of tasks in GIS. Kartografické listy, 1998, 6, 2 figs., 1 tab., 10 refs.
Abstract: Article deals with principles of formulating geographic project in the environment of geographic information system. This system is conceived as modelling tool, informatic tool and functional technological environment. Starting point of realisation of geographic project in GIS is conception design of data model, its implementation in suitable technological environment with the assertion of geographic database with its own system of database management. Vital condition of functionality of geographic database is ability of spatial relations - topological structure of geographic objects comprised thereto. Thus constructed database is the platform of applying model tools for evaluation of important dynamic events in geographic domain.
Keywords: GIS, geographic database, data model of geographic database, logical and physical structure of geographic database, structure of spatial objects, spatial operators, topology