Kartografické listy, Časopis Kartografickej spoločnosti Slovenskej republiky

Časopis Kartografickej spoločnosti

Slovenskej republiky

ISSN 1336-5274 (tlačené vydanie)
ISSN 2729-8094 (online)

Úvod > Archív > KL7

Alexander M. BERĽANT

Geoinformačné mapovanie ako nové odvetvie kartografie

Berľant, A. M.: Geoinformational mapping as a new branch of cartography. Kartografické listy, 1999, 7, 1 tab., 6 refs.

Abstract: A new situation in cartography is presented. In contemporary cartography have a predominance the influence a geoimages and geoinfomiational systems. A geoimage (georepresentation) is any spatial-temporal generalized model of terrestrial (or planetary) objects (phenomena, properties) which has a scale and are presented in graphic form. Geoiconics is a synthetic discipline representing the theory of geoimages and methods of their analysis, transformation, recognition, perception and application for scientific and practical purposes. In cartography was beginning a new branch - geoinfomiational mapping. Geoinfom ational mapping forms a new theoretical basis - geoinfomiational conception of cartography.

Keywords: Geoimages, geoiconics, geoinformational mapping, GIS, operative mapping, geoinforrnational education, geoinfomiational conception of cartography