Mapovanie geotopov na báze pedotopov v priestore Tisové skaly (Modra-Zochova chata)
Kolény, M.: Geotop Mapping on the Base of Pedotops in the Area of Tisové skaly (Modra-Zochová chata). Kartografické listy, 2000, 8, 2 figs., 17 refs.
Abstract: As a base for determination of partial complex areas soil mapping is consi-dered. An indicate characteristics of real vegetation for a localisation of soil probes were exploited. Boundaries of areas have been extrapolated on the base of changes in a vegetation societies, present land use, especially stochastic interpolation of different soil qualities.
Keywords: geotop mapping, total and partial complex natural areas, soils, pedotops, accessoric-indication methods