Kartografické listy, Časopis Kartografickej spoločnosti Slovenskej republiky

Časopis Kartografickej spoločnosti

Slovenskej republiky

ISSN 1336-5274 (tlačené vydanie)
ISSN 2729-8094 (online)

Úvod > Archív > KL21 (1)


Historicko-kartografický výzkum bojišť třicetileté války: rytina obléhání Plzně v roce 1618

Janata, T., Matoušek, V., Zimová, R.: Historical-cartographic research on battlefields of the thirty years’ war: the engraving of the siege of Pilsen in 1618. Kartografické listy, 2013, 21 (1).

Abstract: The paper introduces an ongoing multidisciplinary research on the collection of engravings devoted to battlefields of the thirty years’ war in the Czech lands and focuses in detail on one of the representatives of this set – the engraving of the siege of the town of Plzeň (Pilsen) in 1618. Apart from setting in historical context and identifying elements that drawing on the engraving depicts, it is dedicated to the spatial analysis of this historical document, which includes its georeferencing using current and old map series, determination of the captured territory and visualization of visibility from the possible observation points, and estimate of the scale of the engraved drawing. The authors also take account of the fact that the engraving does not represent a map in the true sense of the word, although some cartographic analyses are feasible.

Keywords: engraving, cartographic analysis, GIS, old maps, thirty years’ war, visualization