The journal of the Cartographic society of the Slovak Republic

The journal of the Cartographic Society

of the Slovak Republic

ISSN 1336-5274 (print)
ISSN 2729-8094 (online)

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Cartographic Letters, 1999, 7


Cover, imprint and other pages

Wood, M. (1999). Cartography at the threshold of the new millennium. Kartografické listy, 7, 5-10.  (in English)

Konečný, M. (1999). The spatial information infrastructures: the role of the geoinformatics and cartography. Kartografické listy, 7, 11-22.  (in English)

Stubkjær, E. (1999). Communication in cartography, and in information systems development - a plea for a linguistic model of communication. Kartografické listy, 7, 23-34.  (in English)

Berľant, A. M. (1999). Geoinformational mapping as a new branch of cartography. Kartografické listy, 7, 35-44.  (in English)

Pravda, J. (1999). Cartography: the changes in structure of knowledge. Kartografické listy, 7, 45-50.  (in English)

Pokorný, J. (1999). Digital maps in land reforms. Kartografické listy, 7, 51-56.  (in Czech)

Rybanský, M. (1999). The generalization of the settlement inside structure on the topographic maps of the Czech Republic. Kartografické listy, 7, 57-62.  (in Czech)

Mitášová, I., Hájek, M. (1999). Maps and formation of the geoinformation system outputs. Kartografické listy, 7, 63-70.  (in Slovak)

Špaček, Š. (1999). Seamless vector map 50. Kartografické listy, 7, 71-74.  (in Slovak)

Kaňok, J. (1999). Classification of scales and principles of its creation for cartogram and cartodiagram. Kartografické listy, 7, 75-86.  (in Czech)

Oťaheľ, J., Feranec, J., Pravda, J., Husár, K. (1999). Map presentation of the contemporary landscape assessment of Slovakia. Kartografické listy, 7, 87-94.  (in Slovak)

Benová, A., Moravčík, J. (1999). The properties of interpolation methods used for georelief modeling and its influence on the calculation of morphometric parameters. Kartografické listy, 7, 95-108.  (in Slovak)

Kusendová, D. (1999). The education of cartography and geoinformatics at the universities of Slovak Republic. Kartografické listy, 7, 109-116.  (in Slovak)

Nogová, M., Hájek, T. (1999). Realization of school geographical atlasses conception. Kartografické listy, 7, 117-120.  (in Slovak)