Cartographic Letters, 2001, 9
Cover, imprint and other pages
Palko, Š. (2001). The National Atlas of Canada and GeoConnections. Kartografické listy, 9, 5-10. (in Slovak)
Hojdar, J. (2001). The Czech Association for Geoinformation — the Results of Activities, Plans for the Future. Kartografické listy, 9, 11-18. (in Czech)
Čapek, R. (2001). Distortion Formulae Derivation of Putnins´S Pseudocylindrical Projection P4´. Kartografické listy, 9, 19-24. (in Czech)
Staňek, K. (2001). The Hierarchical Cartographic Generalization for Alteration of the Zoom Scale in the Digital Environment. Kartografické listy, 9, 25-30. (in Czech)
Galgonová, R., Hefty, J. (2001). Deformation Field of the Earth's Crust on the Basis of Results of the Central Europe Geodynamics Project. Kartografické listy, 9, 31-44. (in Slovak)
Cebecauer, T. (2001). Visualization of the Thematic Data by Application of Hhishading Using GIS. Kartografické listy, 9, 45-54. (in Slovak)
Kolejka, J. (2001). The Digital Landscape Map and Its Utilizing. Kartografické listy, 9, 55-66. (in Czech)
Friedmannová, L. (2001). The Climatologic maps in Atlas Making - Visualisation chraracteristics. Kartografické listy, 9, 67-72. (in Czech)
Utíkalová, J. (2001). Vectorization of the Geomorphological Units Map Manuscripts of the Czech Republic at Scale 1:100 000. Kartografické listy, 9, 73-78. (in Czech)
Vyčichlová, V., Čada, V. (2001). The Evaluation of Quality and Accuracy of the State Map 1: 5000. Kartografické listy, 9, 79-92. (in Czech)
Kaňok, J. (2001). The Cartographic Representation of a Silesian Identity Based on the Comparison of the Mental Map with Map of Nationality. Kartografické listy, 9, 93-100. (in Czech)
Chalachanová, J. (2001). Elevation Analysis of the Estimated Soil-Ecological Units on the Digital Terrain Model Base. Kartografické listy, 9, 101-104. (in Slovak)
Benová, A. (2001). The Map and the Analysis of Some Aspects of the Reading of its Content. Kartografické listy, 9, 105-112. (in Slovak)
Vašek, J., Buday, R. (2001). The Digital Data from the Original Cartographic Sources. Kartografické listy, 9, 113-116. (in Slovak)
Novodomec, R., Nižňanský, B. (2001). The GIS Specialisation at the University of Matej Bel in Banská Bystrica. Kartografické listy, 9, 117-124. (in Slovak)