The journal of the Cartographic society of the Slovak Republic

The journal of the Cartographic Society

of the Slovak Republic

ISSN 1336-5274 (print)
ISSN 2729-8094 (online)

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Cartographic Letters, 2003, 11


Cover, imprint and other pages

Boltižiar, M. (2003). Mapping and Analysis of Relationship Between a Landscape Structure and Relief in the High Monntain Landscape of the Tatra Mts. Using of Results of the Remote Sensing and GIS. Kartografické listy, 11, 5-15.  (in Slovak)

Hricko, B. (2003). GPS Surveying under the Forest Canopy. Kartografické listy, 11, 16-23.  (in Slovak)

Hutár, V., Sviček, M., Scholtz, P. (2003). Measurement of Parcels in the Slovak Republic with Regard to the European Union’s Criteria (the Measurement of Parcels and Tolerances as a Part of the Integrated Administrative and Control System). Kartografické listy, 11, 24-29.  (in Slovak)

Koreň, M. (2003). Models of Providing Information from the National Information System. Kartografické listy, 11, 30-36.  (in Slovak)

Kudrnovský, E. (2003). A Design of Symbol Code for the Biking Content in Maps for Leisure Time. Kartografické listy, 11, 37-45.  (in Czech)

Mikšovský, M. (2003). How to go on in map printing? Kartografické listy, 11, 46-52.  (in Czech)

Mitášová, H., Hofierka, J. (2003). Impact of New Mapping Technologies on the Communication of Geospatial Information. Kartografické listy, 11, 53-60.  (in English)

Oťaheľ, J., Feranec, J., Cebecauer, T., Husár, K. (2003). Land Cover Change Mapping by Applying the CORINE Land Cover Database (on Example of the Skalica District). Kartografické listy, 11, 61-73.  (in Slovak)

Pokorný, M., Hájek, M. (2003). Spatial Objects Analysis on the Maps from the 1st Military Mapping. Kartografické listy, 11, 74-84.  (in Slovak)

Pravda, J. (2003). Conceptual and Cartographic Aspects of the Landscape Atlas of the Slovak Republic. Kartografické listy, 11, 85-94.  (in Slovak)

Soukup, P., Votoček, M. (2003). Construction of the Straight Skeleton Surface and Its Use in Cartography. Kartografické listy, 11, 95-99.  (in Czech)

Timár, G., Danišík, M. (2003). Approximation of the Křovák Projection with the Lambert Conformal Conic Projection in the GIS and GPS Applications on the Territory of Slovakia. Kartografické listy, 11, 100-102.  (in Slovak)

Veverka, B., Čechurová, M. (2003). Georeferencing of the Maps from 2d and 3d Military Mapping. Kartografické listy, 11, 103-113.  (in Czech)

Voženílek, V. (2003). Structure of the Landslide Database for Modelling and Production of the Slope Deformation Maps. Kartografické listy, 11, 114-121.  (in Czech)

Doctorand articles

Dobešová, Z. (2003). Interactive Map of the Regional Division of the Czech Republic’s Georelief. Kartografické listy, 11, 122-126.  (in Czech)