Kartografické listy, Časopis Kartografickej spoločnosti Slovenskej republiky

Časopis Kartografickej spoločnosti

Slovenskej republiky

ISSN 1336-5274 (tlačené vydanie)
ISSN 2729-8094 (online)

Úvod > Archív > KL15


Současné trendy ve výuce kartografie a geoinformatiky na Univerzitě Obrany v Brně

Talhofer, V.: Present trends of cartography and geoinformatics education in the University of Defence in Brno. Kartografické listy, 2007, 15, 3 refs.

Abstract: The history of a cartographic education in former Military Academy in Brno. Present conditions for geographers in the Czech Army and their influence on a cartographic education. The military geography and meteorology education in the University of Defence description.

Keywords: cartography, geoinformatics, education, trends