The journal of the Cartographic society of the Slovak Republic

The journal of the Cartographic Society

of the Slovak Republic

ISSN 1336-5274 (print)
ISSN 2729-8094 (online)

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Cartographic Letters, 2004, 12

ISBN 80-89060-05-6


Cover, imprint and other pages

Comenetz, J. (2004). The geography of Czech and Slovak identity in the United States. Kartografické listy, 12, 5-12.  (in English)

Fencík, R., Vajsáblová, M. (2004). Analysis of the vertical vccuracy of digital model of relief of territory Kočín. Kartografické listy, 12, 13-20.  (in Slovak)

Husár, K. (2004). Spatial relationship of neighbourhood on example of in Slovakia land cover. Kartografické listy, 12, 21-28.  (in Slovak)

Kolény, M., Čerňanský, J., Kožuch, M. (2004). Using of ortophotomaps in the survey of accelerated surface water erosion. Kartografické listy, 12, 29-36.  (in Slovak)

Koreň, M. (2004). Spatial models or landscape. Kartografické listy, 12, 37-47.  (in Slovak)

Meňkyová, L. (2004). The algorithm of georelief raster model interpolation using Lagrange polynoms. Kartografické listy, 12, 48-57.  (in Slovak)

Miklošík, F. (2004). Current questions of further research in the theoretical cartography. Kartografické listy, 12, 58-65.  (in Czech)

Možucha, M. (2004). Cartographic modelling of interactions of FM signal with georelief. Kartografické listy, 12, 66-79.  (in English)

Nižňanský, B. (2004). Graphic unit of map sign. Kartografické listy, 12, 80-91.  (in Slovak)

Pravda, J. (2004). About the errors in maps. Kartografické listy, 12, 92-103.  (in Slovak)

Stanková, H., Čerňanský, J. (2004). Object-oriented classification of Chopok-Jasná land cover. Kartografické listy, 12, 104-113.  (in Slovak)

Šrámková, R. (2004). Continuous orthophotomaps of the Slovak Republic. Kartografické listy, 12, 114-118.  (in Slovak)

Timár, G. (2004). GIS integration of the second military survey sections — a solution valid on the territory of Slovakia and Hungary. Kartografické listy, 12, 119-126.  (in English)